Doing Business in Baltimore County: What Products and Services Are Available?

Baltimore County is a great place for businesses to thrive, offering a variety of direct, flexible, and deficit funding programs to support and encourage investment and job creation. Tax credits and incentive programs are also available through the county and in partnership with our state and federal affiliates. The county is home to incubators and research technology centers that provide training opportunities for the workforce. If you need a local license to operate in Baltimore County, you can contact the Baltimore County Circuit Court Clerk at 410-887-2607 or the Maryland Comptroller's Licensing Office at 410-260-6240.

Maryland Business Express offers a comprehensive licensing portal with information about the permits and licenses you may need to start, relocate, or expand a business in Maryland. The Baltimore County Public Library provides free access to Reference USA, which allows personalized searches of listings from more than 20,500 existing businesses in Baltimore County. Baltimore County works with many business development organizations to help you connect with the right people. The Baltimore County Procurement Department provides information on the county's procurement processes and describes how and what the county purchases, the procurement methods used, the items that influence the procurement award processes, and the purchasing staff. Baltimore County's economy is driven by national leaders and regional companies that span all major industrial sectors.

Discount periods for prompt payment shall be counted from the date of delivery and acceptance of the goods and services requested, or from the date of receipt of the correct and appropriate invoices prepared in accordance with the terms of the Baltimore County order, whichever date is later. Requests are previewed to determine if outsourcing is available in order to incorporate the participation objectives of minority companies and women's business enterprises (MBE and WBE).If you're looking for products or services that meet your business needs in Baltimore County, you're in luck! With its excellent access to highways connecting north to south and east to west, businesses can take advantage of all that this vibrant county has to offer. Whether you're looking for direct funding programs, tax credits, or incubators for workforce training, Baltimore County has it all. You can also take advantage of Reference USA for personalized searches of listings from more than 20,500 existing businesses in Baltimore County. Plus, there are many business development organizations available to help you connect with the right people.

And don't forget about Maryland Business Express for comprehensive licensing information. Finally, Baltimore County's Procurement Department provides information on their procurement processes so you know what they purchase and how they award contracts. They also have discount periods for prompt payment and preview requests to determine if outsourcing is available. So if you're looking for products or services that meet your business needs in Baltimore County, you have plenty of options! With its excellent access to highways connecting north to south and east to west, businesses can take advantage of all that this vibrant county has to offer.

Lorene Bergener
Lorene Bergener

Unapologetic zombie specialist. Infuriatingly humble tv evangelist. Extreme travel fan. Evil bacon fan. Hardcore travel fan.